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  • When should I expect my order to arrive?
    For standard delivery, it depends on your location. Orders are processed and sent out on standard business days (Mon-Fri) and typically take between 1 - 7 business days to arrive at your address. Delivery addresses in city/suburban areas typically receive their parcels faster than rural.
  • How do I apply my coupon code?
    1. At the checkout page, click "Redeem your code" on the left panel. 2. Add your coupon code and click "Apply"
  • How do I track my order?
    We typically alternative between two courier providers depending on delivery location. Typically, our couriers will also send confirmation to the contact details provided on checkout. If you have received a tracking number that is 6-7 digits starting with 'S' (e.g. SP4B6P), you can track your delivery here - If you have received a tracking number that starts with 'PO' followed by many digits, you can track your delivery here -
  • What do I do if I don't receive my order?
    Please check your parcel tracking status first. One common scenario is that courier has missed you at your delivery address and deposited at a local depot. The parcel may be at the depot pending pickup. If you are unsure or if the order is listed along the lines of 'Missing' in the tracking status, please do not hestiate to contact us at or call 0410002257. Please also quote the order number to help our investigation.
  • What do I do if contents in my parcel are damaged?
    We try our best to reduce the risk of damage to your order, however occasionally things happen and an item or two may get damaged enroute to your delivery address. If the content(s) are damaged, please take a photo of the item and please send an email to referencing the order number. Within 5 business days, we will review and respond to the email. If the claim is valid, we will send a replacement of the damaged content free of charge.
  • Can I get a refund or exchange items in my order once I pay for my order?
    If you have contacted us (by email or by phone 0410002257) before the order has been shipped, we can process an alteration of the order (as long as the total dollar amount is the same). For all refund or exchanges enquiry post shipping, please refer to our Refund and Return Policy.
  • Who are your courier providers?
    Depending on delivery location, we normally alternate between Sendle or Australian Post.
  • What's the best way to store spice jars/seasoning?
    The spice blends and seasonings are dry blend of spices. The two key things to storing the products are to: 1. Keep away from direct sun-light - This will avoid the product from discolouring and going stale. 2. Avoid moisture - This will avoid the product from clumping Ideally, after use, seal in an air-tight container in the pantry.
  • What is the shelf life of your spice mixes/seasonings?
    More than 2 years easily assuming you have kept the products in ideal storage condition (away from direct sunlight and moisture). For added safety, we typically display the 'best before' date 1.5 years from the batch date to cater for unknowns.
  • Are your products Gluten free?
    All the spice blends and seasonings are Gluten free. Gluten is a family of proteins found in grains, including wheat,rye, spelt and barely. Some blends in the market contain flour to prevent caking. In other cases, there may be cross-contamination to other production involving gluten. In our production facility, we do avoid anti-caking agents and do not produce any product that contain gluten. We strive to ensure that each of products contain beautiful combinations of flavour from natural herbs and spices.
  • Are your products MSG free?
    Yes - all our blends are MSG free. MSG is short for Monosodium Glutamate. It is a common food additive used to enhance flavour. Although there is no compelling evidence that MSG has negative effects on your body, many people are sensitive to it and display symptoms on its consumption including - headache, muscle tightness, numbness, tingling, weakness, flushing and thirst for hydration. We strive to keep all our blends with consistent quality where the flavours stem from the richness of the natural herbs and spices.
  • What do I do if I don't receive my gift card in my email
    Please email with reference to your order details. We will send a copy of your gift card ASAP
  • How long are the gift cards valid for?
    They are valid for 3 years from the date of purchase.
  • Can a gift card be used more than once?
    Yes, a customer can use a gift card in multiple orders until the entire balance is spent or the card expires (whichever happens earlier).
  • Can more than one card be applied to an order?
    No, you can apply only one gift card to an order.
  • I have some issues with my gift card. What can I do?
    If you have any issues, please reach out to with reference to your gift card order details.
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